Lizzle’s Totally Random Blog


ME October 12, 2007

my favorite food is DARK CHOCOLAT

my favorite author is SCOTT WESTERFELD

my favorite book is EXTRAS

my favorite number is 13

my favorite word is IDIOSYNCRATIC

my favorite color is BLUE

my favorite time of the day is MIDNITE

my favorite animal is a CAT

my favorite hobby is READING

my favorite place is BORDERS


23 Responses to “ME”

  1. theprettymindedugly Says:

    hmmm… I wonder why you like the number 13, the word idiosyncratic, the color blue, midnight, and cats. lol!

    Amy-la was here!

  2. Lizzy-wa Says:


    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😛

  3. Mr. Robot Says:

    (sigh) you need more stories on your blog. rite now its really boring. you need to put some of my stories on here. like YOUR story and the story of Kailey werewolf Soup! it would be totally fawesome if you put in my fawesome stories! we all no who the better writer is… right… YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA! MR. ROBOT LIVES ON!!!! oh no… i have an oil leak.

  4. Lizzy-wa Says:

    hehe. Mr.Robot-la, you are such a dork. and thank you. i no i am the better writer. its a talent i poses. i no.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😛

  5. Mr. Robot Says:

    STOP TWEAKING WUT I SAY! hey, there goes the caps lock again! haha. great, now i split my sides as well as bust my gut! haha. i’m funny. oh yeah… LIZZY IS NO JERK! (none of the time) idiosyncratic is still a cool word,though. lizzy just isnt. if u look up lizzy in the dictionary u would get a picture of a beautiful rambling princess w/ beautiful hair and beautiful hands that give people sore throats. because there just that beautiful.

  6. Mr. Robot Says:

    that’s right… I WENT THERE! (i have to stop w/ the caps lock):D :@

  7. Lizzy-wa Says:

    ok Mr.Robot-la. you made that post sound like i tweaked it. even tho i didnt!

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😛

  8. Mr. Robot Says:

    wut r u talking about? u no u tweaked it! (urgh) c u at jazz band tomorrow! is ur finger better yet? or should i kiss it again? lol

  9. vicky-la Says:

    u guys are soooo wierd. and im not kidding. just kidding. amy i love the “oh no…i have an oil leak”
    very clever. yep. okay. i try not to say yep alot anymore, but i just cant. soooooo, YEP 😀

  10. Lizzy-wa Says:

    hehe. thats all i can say. hehe.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😆

  11. vicky-la Says:

    uuugghhhhh. i stil dont have a costume for halloween.

  12. Lizzy-wa Says:

    hhmmm…mines a work in progress. i plan to post pictures. hehe.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 8)

  13. Mr. Robot Says:

    hey! i know how 2 do my hair, but i need 2 work on my costume! 😈 I can do it know! vicky, i am NOT weird. u guys r so boring that i cant leak any oil no mores. 😛 i have cool smileys 8) shades look cool, too

  14. vicky-la Says:

    haha. anyways, ttyl! 😆

  15. Mr. Robot Says:

    THIS SITE IS GETTING BORING! ever since werewolf came on its been boring. thanx werewolf! (in a not nice way) lol. 8)

  16. vicky-la Says:

    haha. i wonder when lizzle will post up her pictures. Anytime now lizzy. yeah. kailey. you know how ive been telling u bout dayniel. yeah. i hate him now. im not going to talk to him tommorrow. or the next day. or monday. or tuesday. yep. 😈

  17. Vicky-la Says:

    l..i..z..z..y ANYDAY NOW!!!!!! oh, kailey told me about what happened at the dance. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over to my house this saturday, but probably not anymore. 😥 hey, i have five choices for my birthday party, Hawaii, Chile, Australia, Japan, or New Zealand. Which one shoul i do?

  18. Lizzy-wa Says:

    id go with Japan. totally fawesome. why didnt you invite me?!?! i have to go to a wrestling match AND a soccer game (wich by the way takes place outside) today! uuuhhhggg! luckily i slept in and will get to miss the wrestling. hehe. im fine. i ended up coming home, watching my parents leave for dinner while i babysat for FREE, falling asleep, then being woken up by Sara and being told that my nabor just called asking to babysit. then i called back, said yes, they came over here, i tried to learn soulja boy, was made fun of by the stupid fifth grader Gavin of which i was babysitting (along with his little 4th grade sister), and then got paid $25! so, that was my nite. yepyepyep. i now owe my mom only $53 instead of $73. i had to keep the $5 since i spent my $5 at the dance last nite. humph!

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 8)

  19. Vicky-la Says:

    great. ummmm. i went on to youtube and learned the soulja boy dance. 😆 yeah they show you the dance step by step. okay i went to target today, and i was looking at clothes and you know that thing on top of the racks of clothes that has the pictures of kids and stuff. well guess what, i went over to the boys section and on that thing on top of the racks, was a picture of booboo as one of the models. he looked totally cute and cool. *sigh*

  20. Lizzy-wa Says:

    hehe. Vicky and Booboo (by the way i have no idea why he would want to be named booboo) sittin in a tree. k-i-s-s-i-n-g. well, you wish. hehe.

    im riting an entry for the fanlib EXTRAS contest. its fawesome so far.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! 😛

  21. Vicky-la Says:

    ur rite, i wish

  22. Vicky-la Says:

    hey i just found out that i waz born at 10:50 pm.

  23. Vicky-la Says:

    booboo is in this movie called American cowslip, and he has to smoke in the movie.*blegh* but he’s still cute. LOL

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